пятница, 2 сентября 2016 г.

What is "Silver Dream"?

"Silver Dream" is Oringo exclusive annual competition. Each year (usually in February, but in 2017 we are going to start later) we receive hundreds of drawings in order to create stylish silver jewels. Our craftsmen and designers choose the most interesting ones and then make dreams come true. Few months later produced jewels show up at our store and each artist receive his jewel as a gift.

This year was definitely the most interesting and productive. We expanded the range of style and started working with new stone shapes and wooden inserts (that worth a special story which I`ll tell you later).
We dared to embody intricate sketches as well as minimalistic ones and succeed in both.
Here are some of this year treasures:

Totemic rings

First draft was made by our employee so it could seem unfair to select it in terms of the competition. On the other hand, we liked it so much that couldn`t help but make it in silver. However, we didn`t shorten the winners list and created totemic rings out of the competition. 


When we decided to complete these amazing earrings with a suitable ring it quickly became obvious that the tail is too sharp for fingers. Jewel from Oringo has to be beautiful, comfortable and safe. That`s something we always take care of, so we did some graceful traits to accomplish.

Midsummer Night`s Dream 

Sometimes we have to bring in notable adjustments. This one couldn`t be made with horns so our jewelers found out an elegant way to solve that problem. 

The Symbol Of House

At first the drawing seemed strange but now it is one of the most classy jewels we`ve ever done. Also we had a privilege to meet the author who turned out to be an architect and interesting person in general.

Although "Silver Dream" is such a sophisticated and sometimes very difficult event for us, we can`t wait to see what next year will bring. It is such a pleasure to make somebody's dream come true!